My daughter was very good in her studies, but for some time she was not able to focusing on her studies. She was looking sad for some reason. She also stopped going for her tuition. Even she tried for suicide but somehow, we knew her intention and saved her. In a function I met Dr. Purnima Sharma and let her know the whole thing. She called me at her office and after reading my daughter’s horoscope, she told me “Madam, it looks like something went wrong with her in school. Ask her with love, she will tell everything. ” After all, my daughter told that her tuition teacher tried to assault her physically. Then Dr. Sharma advised me to keep the fast of Pradosh and asked to chant a mantra. She also suggested that we should go for counseling, for which we were already going. I started doing whatever Dr. Sharma asked me to do. Now, about four months later, my daughter is getting normal and she has started going to school too. Thank you, Purnima Ji… You were a great help for us… Mrs. Garg, New Delhi
Our business was going through losses for nearly three years because of some misfortunes or some mismanagement. Then one of my friends asked me to go to Dr. Purnima Sharma. I went there with my wife. After reading my horoscope she suggested some Mantra to Jaap every day. I never believe in such things so at first, I avoided. But when my wife insisted, I started doing the same. After two months, those remedies started giving positive results. Now my business is doing well since last one year. Thank you, Dr. Sharma. With regards: R. K. Dahiya
पूर्णिमा जी का कुण्डली मिलान बहुत अच्छा है | मेरे बेटे की शादी के लिए मैं उसकी और उसकी होने वाली पत्नी की कुण्डली मिलवाने गई थी | बहुत सन्तुष्ट हूँ | सरिता रस्तोगी – House wife
I was facing some issues in my marriage because of which I was not even trying for a child. Things were really messed up and I was an emotional wreck. That was when I met Dr. Purnima Sharma after someone told me about her. She gave me some mantras to chant along with some other simple remedies to follow at home. It has been about a year now and the problems that were there initially between my husband and I are not there anymore, praise Lord! Thank you, Purnima ji… you came as a blessing! Sushma Bansal, New Delhi (Home Maker)
मैं पूर्णिमा को अच्छी तरह जानती हूँ और इसीलिए मैंने अपने एक मिलने वाले को उनके पास भेजा था | उनका बेटा किसी लड़की से शादी करना चाहता था और वे लोग भी तैयार थे, पर कुण्डली देखकर किसी ने वहम डाल दिया था उनके मन में | पूर्णिमा ने कुण्डली मिलाई, जो कुछ भी दोष था उसे देखकर उन्होंने लड़का और लड़की से यही कहा कि आप दोनों एक दूसरे से प्रेम करते हो और आप दोनों ही यह भी जानते हो कि ऐसा दोष कुण्डली में है | तो अच्छा यही रहेगा कि इस बात को समझकर शादी के बाद सावधानी के साथ जीवन जियो | अपने टेम्परामेंट सही रखोगे तो सारे दोष वैसे ही समाप्त हो जाएँगे | आज आठ वर्ष उनकी शादी को हो गए हैं और दोनों एक दूसरे के साथ खुश हैं | इससे यही पता चला कि पूर्णिमा कभी किसी को ग़लत सलाह नहीं देती न ही किसी तरह के अन्धविश्वास को बढ़ावा देती है | बानू बंसल – Business woman
मेरी बेटी अमेरिका में रहती है अपने पति के साथ और कुछ समय से उसके साथ कुछ समस्या चल रही थी | उसे शक़ था कि शायद उसके पति के किसी अन्य स्त्री के साथ सम्बन्ध थे | बड़ी परेशान थी | मैरिज काउन्सलिंग भी कराई, कई एस्ट्रोलोजर्स को भी मिली | पर उसका मन फिर भी शान्त नहीं हो पा रहा था | इसी बीच उसका दिल्ली आना हुआ | डॉ. पूर्णिमा शर्मा को मैं पर्सनली जानती हूँ तो उनके पास मैं अपनी बिटिया को लेकर गई | उन्होंने जो कुछ बताया वो सब सही हुआ | मैं आभारी हूँ डॉ. पूर्णिमा आपकी… प्रीती गुप्ता – Lecturer